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For Childcare Providers

From professional providers to babysitters.... tips on everything from potty training to amazing activities.

The Art of  Obeying

 Toddlers have bad days just like adults ( cranky, sleepy, MOODY) As adults we can (sometimes) control our emotions and go on with our day. With a toddlers lack of ability to communicate they tend to stay in meltdown mode. We had to come up with a way to help encourage better attitudes without sending the child to "time out" constantly or if redirection doesn't work.

We also use this when a child is not following the "rules" . This technique has been successfully used for over 25 kids that we have personally dealt with over the years. All types of personalities, ages etc. We call it "the happy chair" , simple as that.  The happy chair is a more positive spin on 'time out'.
When a child is having a "tantrum", having trouble sharing a toy, being defiant, whatever the case may be, we ask them to go to the happy chair until they can be happy. We let them go to the chair and after we see that they have calmed down or "verbally acknowledged" that they are happy we go and get eye level and reaffirm what they were doing to get in the happy chair (ex." Are you ready to share with your friends?" , "Let me see a happy face") We have experienced several children putting themselves in the happy chair.

(only if we had this chair for some adults we have had to deal with!)

coming soon.......

The Art of Connecting Parents with Daily Events

The Art of Controlling the Chaos!

The Art of Being Consistent

The Art of Being Creative on a Budget

The Art of Getting Organized

The Art of Getting the Right Pictures

The Art of Dealing Parents who need Nanny 911

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