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For Parents

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Suggestions and  tips  from simple projects to handling major two year old melt downs. 

Weekend activities and fun outing ideas.

The Art of More Independence

We have come across many toddlers/kids over the years that have not been given the opportunity to be independent. This may come from the parent not realizing what their child is capable of doing ( usually babied a little too long) or always on the go and it's easier and quicker for the parent to do it instead of giving the child time to learn!
What am I talking about? Letting your child practice putting on their clothes, shoes and socks! Now I wouldn't recommend this on a day you need to be somewhere! But, consider the days you have some extra time! Encourage your child to be more independent. You will be amazed at what they can actually do for themselves.

The Art of Dealing with Picky Eaters

I decided to offer a few dinner tips for picky eaters. Given that my own son definitely falls into this category.
1. I learned it is best not to overload them with too many things on their plate (or choices). The plates I use have 3 compartments. I give 2 familiar items ( that I know he likes) and one new item for him to try.
If he doesn't try the new item, I will continue to introduce it to him until he at least tries it (might take a couple of times). Tonight, Gavin had black beans, yogurt (he just starting liking this so I sprinkle a couple of sprinkles on top to make it fun for him) and curry fried rice ( new item). I know this combination, like most of my son's meals sound weird but I do what I got to do! haha
Surprisingly he tried the rice and liked it (yay!). After finishing the rice (small portion) and a little yogurt/black beans I noticed him playing with his food (mixing black beans and yogurt) ugh! This is very typical when he really does not want any more of those items. I took his plate but thought I would offer a little more rice so he could get his 'reward'... which brings me to tip 2.
2. Give a little motivation! My son loves his "Cars" vitamin...when he eats the majority of his meal and tries the new item he can have it.
Tonight since he messed up some of his meal I asked him if he wanted to eat a little more rice and get his "car", he said yes, so he ate more and was able to get his vitamin! This is usually every night now!
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3. I would advise to not cater to your picky eater! By this I mean, if your kid only eats cheese for you, don't give in and give cheese every night just because you think they will starve. When a child is hungry eventually they will eat!!!

coming soon

The Art of


The Art of


The Art of

Serving One Another

The Art of


The Art of


The Art of


The Art of


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